Google Can Now Tell You?re Not a Robot With Just One Click

When Alan Turing first conceived of the Turing Test in 1947, he suggested that a computer program?s resemblance to a human mind could be gauged by making it answer a series of questions written by an interrogator in another room.

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How Top Designers Tell Clients That Their Taste Sucks

Sometimes, you have to agree to disagree. But what do you do with clients who just fundamentally have terrible taste in design? They’re paying the bills, creating a problem that almost every designer has to face in his or her career at least once: How do you tell your clients that their taste sucks?

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Startups, this is how design works

Companies like Apple are making design impossible for startups to ignore. Startups like GitHub, Airbnb, Square, and Fitbit have design at the core of their business, and they’re doing phenomenal work. But what is ?design? actually? Is it a logo? A WordPress theme? An innovative UI?

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