Inside China’s Wild World Of App Design
Most of us never think about the apps people use on the other side of the planet, but Dan Rover does.
Most of us never think about the apps people use on the other side of the planet, but Dan Rover does.
Richard Socher carries a resume that would seem to make him rather attractive to the giants of the internet. He just finished a PhD at Stanford University, where he explored a form of artificial intelligence called ?deep learning,? teaching machines to recognize images and understand natural language using software that operates a bit like the networks of neurons in the human brain.
Imagine you?re on your way to work. You walk up the stairs from the subway, and your coffee order is put in automatically. You walk into Starbucks, past the line, tell the barista your name, and she hands you your tall latte with skim.
If investors continue to funnel money into online lending companies at their current pace, 2014 may be the year that startup lenders finally break the bank ? or at least banking?s hold on the lending market.
Japanese technology entrepreneur Ken Fukazawa was in San Francisco in March when his geeky friends told him about something awesome coming up in Los Angeles. Walt Disney Co. was opening its doors to selected startups for a summer of intensive mentoring.
It’s nice to be talented, but the old saying is true: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
Chandauli is a tiny town in rural India about a four-hour drive southwest of New Delhi. India?s a big country, and there are several Chandaulis. This is the one that?s not on Google Maps.
I want to talk about how much you?re charging. I bet you could charge more. Life-changing amounts more.
Studies have shown the traits that correlated most powerfully with CEO success as well as the most common
Jonathan Kim is the Founder of Appcues, a startup that helps anyone build beautiful and simple user onboarding experiences.