Leading Teams as an Enlightened Project Manager
Leading Teams as an Enlightened Project Manager http://www.project-management-podcast.com/index.php/podcast-episodes/694-episode-353-leading-teams-as-an-enlightened-project-manager
10 Benefits of Being a Trustworthy Leader
10 Benefits of Being a Trustworthy Leader @TheShawnMurphy http://www.inc.com/shawn-murphy/10-benefits-of-being-a-trustworthy-leader.html #leadership
Microsoft is turning DNA into the ultimate storage device
Microsoft is turning DNA into the ultimate storage device http://tnw.to/w23L via @thenextweb #technology
5 Books That Will Inspire Your Entrepreneurial Spirit
5 Books That Will Inspire Your Entrepreneurial Spirit @nicolascole77 http://www.inc.com/nicolas-cole/5-books-that-will-inspire-your-entrepreneurial-spirit.html via @Inc #entrepreneurship
8 Guidelines for Exceptional Web Design, Usability, and User Experience
8 Guidelines for Exceptional Web Design, Usability, and User Experience http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/30557/6-Guidelines-for-Exceptional-Website-Design-and-Usability.aspx via @hubspot #digitalmarketing
Convincing People that the Cloud is Safe and Migration is Worth It
Customers and the Cloud: Convincing People that the Cloud is Safe and Migration is Worth It http://customerthink.com/customers-and-the-cloud-convincing-people-that-the-cloud-is-safe-and-migration-is-worth-it/ #customerexperience
4 Tremendous Benefits of Bootstrapping a Company
4 Tremendous Benefits of Bootstrapping a Company by @zachmcutler http://entm.ag/1SWuLmj via @Entrepreneur #entrepreneurship
The 3 #SocialMedia Statistics Every Marketer Needs in 2016
The 3 #SocialMedia Statistics Every Marketer Needs in 2016 http://www.imadigitalmarketer.com/blog/smm-stats-2016
9 ways to increase customer loyalty
9 ways to increase customer loyalty http://www.customerexperienceinsight.com/9-ways-to-increase-customer-loyalty/
These biodegradable bio-photovoltaics use moss to generate electricity
These biodegradable bio-photovoltaics use moss to generate electricity (Video) @TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com/solar-technology/moss-voltaics-elena-mitrofanova.html #sustainability