With a large Series B, Frank & Oak hammers home that the era of men?s ecommerce has arrived

If there were any doubt that the era of men?s ecommerce is upon us, it?s time to lay that argument to rest. It?s not just that male-focused startups are popping up left and right and raising seed capital to get out of the batter?s box. For the first time, these businesses are achieving the traction and growth needed to raise growth rounds and find exits.

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The #iPhone6 : From Louis Vuitton to Chanel

Yves Carcelle, who, in the words of the New York Times ?transformed Louis Vuitton from a staid French maker of handbags and travel trunks into one of the world?s most recognizable luxury brands? died over the weekend. I have a short note in today?s Daily Update (members only) that compared Louis Viutton to Apple.

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LinkedIn Publishing: 727,632 Views in 30 Days

We experimented with LinkedIn publishing. Over 30 days, we published 17 articles on LinkedIn that garnered 727,632 views. One single article exceeded 500,000 views and is being studied at LinkedIn for how an article from a non-Influencer spread so quickly.

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Connecting the world

The computing industry has always sold to segments. Mainframes to large companies, minicomputers to medium-sized companies, PCs first to companies and then middle-class households, and so on. Today, there are around 1.5-1.6bn PCs on earth, of which perhaps half are owned by consumers, yet there are 7.1bn people on earth and 5.25bn adults. PC buyers are still a segment, and a pretty small one, and so, by extension, was the internet.

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Why Undervaluation Is the Bigger Problem

Whenever the tech bubble question comes up, as it does with regularity, it sparks a debate about the definition of a bubble, or what qualifies as overvaluation.

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How a Dentist Popularized Cotton Candy

Cotton candy, in all of its colorful, puffy glory, is one of those timeless treats capable of evoking childhood with one disintegrating bite.

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